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Regional Planning

Integrated Growth Management Strategy

The Integrated Growth Management Strategy (IGMS) examined the surface and sub-surface physical qualities and characteristics of the lands currently within the City that are outside any defined Area Structure Plan boundaries, those lands within the City and County that are subject to the current Intermunicipal Development Plan policies, and those that may be influenced by initiatives such as the Canamex Highway (Province of Alberta). The examination included natural and man-made constraints to the potential future development of lands to their highest use and/or the consideration of said lands as municipal or environmental reserve. The examination took account of current infrastructure and provide recommendations as to logical extensions of such infrastructure.

The IGMS will: 

  • Serve as a link between the vision-based outcomes defined by Municipal Development Plans and the current patterns of developments that are in place or planned within the Study area;
  • Suggest areas that will support both County and City growth needs and/or areas where efforts might be considered for County/City partnership arrangements; and
  • Serve as an important input into Intermunicipal Development Plan policy discussions, proposed Area Structure Plans, and development in the City and County of Lethbridge.

Work on the IGMS project has now been completed. With the IDP now complete and adopted by Bylaw by Lethbridge City Council and Lethbridge County Council the IGMS is now available.

Key Contact:
Tyson Boylan
Community Planner
Phone: 403-320-3928

Intermunicipal Development Plan

The City of Lethbridge and County of Lethbridge Intermunicipal Development Plan provides a decision making framework for the areas adjacent to the municipal boundaries.

The City of Lethbridge and Lethbridge County share over 50km of border. The activities of each municipality are inextricably linked and affect one another. Both municipalities are committed to working together to enhance cooperation and achieve coordination wherever possible so that the effects that we have on one another and our residents is positive.

The current Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) was adopted by both the City of Lethbridge and County of Lethbridge municipal councils in October 2016. The plan provides a framework for the long range planning for lands of mutual interest. This planning will help ensure that land use conflicts across municipal borders are minimized, that opportunities for collaboration and communication are provided, and that processes are in place for the resolution of issues that may arise within the Plan Area.


Key Contact: Maureen Gaehring
Community Planning Manager
Phone: 403-320-3191

South Saskatchewan Regional Plan

The South Saskatchewan Regional Plan is an output of the Province's Land Use Framework and covers land within the South Saskatchewan River Basin including the cities of Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Airdrie and Brooks.The South Saskatchewan Regional Plan is an output of the Province's Land Use Framework and covers land within the South Saskatchewan River Basin including the cities of Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Airdrie and Brooks.

In September 2014, the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, or SSRP, became the second Regional Plan to be adopted by the Government of Alberta. The SSRP applies to some 84,000 square kilometers of southern Alberta, and incorporates 84 municipalities and First Nations and nearly two million people. 

The SSRP outlines environmental, economic and social values and outcomes for this region of the province in line with the Land Use Framework. The Land Use Framework is a provincial level strategy document designed to reduce conflict between competing demands for our land and resources.

All land use planner and decision-makers within the South Saskatchewan region, including at the City of Lethbridge, are required to demonstrate compliance with the strategic vision and outcomes of the SSRP when carrying out their normal functions and duties. To do so they mush complete a review of their planning and policy instruments to ensure that they are in compliance with this Regional Plan and submit a Statutory Declaration that confirms this to the Province.


To ensure compliance with the SSRP, the City of Lethbridge under took a series of data gathering and analysis projects, which are listed below:

Economy and Tourism Inventory

Relationship Inventory

Environmental and Historic Resources Strategy

Lethbridge Heritage Survey

Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Assessment

Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Assessment (Video)

Efficient Land Use Strategy

The City of Lethbridge submitted the Statutory Declaration confirming our compliance with the SSRP to the Province of Alberta in 2019. 


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