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Claim Submissions

If you have experienced a loss, injury or damage and believe it is a result of the City of Lethbridge’s negligence, you may submit a Notice of Claim.

When submitting a Notice of Claim, you must submit your notice within 21 days of the event if the incident is related to snow, ice or slush on roads or sidewalks, or within 30 days of the event for all other claims.

It’s important to contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the incident occurs, as your policy may provide coverage for your loss. Be sure to document damages or injuries with photos, invoices and receipts. Keep any damaged property available for later inspection.

Submit a notice of claim

You can submit your completed Notice of Claim application to the City by email at, in-person at City Hall during business hours or by mail to:

Risk and Controls
City of Lethbridge
910 – 4 Ave S
Lethbridge AB, T1J 0P6

Please include your name, mailing address and phone number. We examine each claim individually and assess it on its own merit. Your claim should describe:

  • The damage or injury
  • How it happened
  • The location, date and time of the incident
  • Any persons, equipment or other circumstances surrounding the incident
  • Why you believe the City is responsible

After submitting your claim

After you submit your claim, our Risk and Controls department will send a written email reply, acknowledging receipt of the claim. If you submitted your claim in-person, an email reply is not typically sent. If you do not provide or possess an email address, alternative communication methods can be arranged.

We will then start an investigation process to determine the liability of the City, as governed by the Municipal Government Act, which may include:

  • Visiting the incident location
  • Inspecting the damage
  • Obtaining documents
  • Speaking to employees or other persons who may have knowledge of the incident

In some instances, the claim may be investigated by our insurer. Once we have completed the investigation, we will notify you of the City’s position in writing.


Like most municipalities, the City provides compensation only when it is legally liable and you have provided evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission that resulted in the injury or damage. The intent is to provide an equitable policy for the taxpaying public, who ultimately bear the cost of these claims.


Claim options

Claim options may include:

When making a claim against the City for property damage related to City trees, we consider many factors when determining liability, including:

  • Whether the City was put on notice or was aware of the condition of the tree prior to the incident
  • If the City was aware of the condition of the tree, whether the City’s inspection and maintenance activities were reasonable
  • If there were extraordinary weather conditions at the time of the incident

Ownership of a tree does not constitute negligence.

Interruption to electric services can occur unexpectedly from various causes, such as weather, nature or equipment failure within a property or throughout the city. Call 3-1-1 for 24/7 emergency service assistance.

If you choose to contact your own electrical contractor rather than the City, we are unable to reimburse your contractor’s expenses. If the power issue is within a private property, the resident may be responsible for the costs of a private contractor, if needed.

Ownership of a utility does not constitute negligence.

If you are a passenger on a Lethbridge Transit vehicle and have sustained a personal injury, contact a medical provider immediately for assistance and submit your Notice of Claim within 30 days of the incident.

Our insurer may provide out-of-pocket medical assistance through our automobile insurance coverage. There is a “no fault” benefit available if you require medical treatment for injuries sustained from the incident. We only consider bodily injury settlements when there is sufficient evidence of the City’s negligence or wrongdoing in the use and operation of the motor vehicle.

If you are involved in a motor vehicle collision that involves a City vehicle, you must contact your own insurance company to report the incident and initiate any necessary vehicle repairs. Your own insurer will pay for any repairs to your vehicle when you are not at-fault for a collision.

In the interest of public safety, emergency services may be required to forcefully enter a property, which may result in damage. If a search warrant is being legally executed or emergency services must enter in order to ensure public, patient and/or staff safety, the City cannot accept liability.

We do not provide compensation for your losses unless you can provide evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in injury or damage.

Potholes may develop quickly and unexpectedly within the City’s hundreds of kilometres of roadways, especially in times of severe moisture and freeze-thaw cycles.

We do not provide compensation for your losses unless you can provide evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in injury or damage.

Interruptions to water services and sewer backups can occur unexpectedly from various causes. If you experience issues with your water or sewer, we provide 24/7 emergency service assistance, provided cleanout is accessible on the property. Please call 3-1-1 for assistance or find more information on our water services.

If you choose to call your own plumbing contractor rather than the City, we are unable to reimburse your contractor’s expenses. We do not provide compensation for your losses unless you can provide evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in injury or damage. Ownership of a utility does not constitute negligence.

The city experiences weather conditions that can cause ice and other slippery or wet conditions to appear on sidewalks and roadways. We provide snow and ice control services that follows a priority system which is reviewed and updated annually.

The City is not responsible for snow removal on all sidewalks and roadways in the city. Our snow control bylaws require adjacent property owners to remove snow and ice from adjoining sidewalks. We do not provide compensation for your losses unless you can provide evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in injury or damage.

Please submit your Notice of Claim within 21 days of any incident related to snow, ice or slush on roads or sidewalks.

We provide snow and ice control services that follows a priority system which is reviewed and updated annually. We do not provide compensation for your losses unless you can provide evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in injury or damage.

Please submit your Notice of Claim within 21 days of any incident related to snow, ice or slush on roads or sidewalks.

We perform annual inspections to maintain City sidewalks and roadways, which includes identifying and prioritizing repairs. Trip hazards on sidewalks and roadways may also be due to weather and traffic conditions.

We do not provide compensation for your losses unless you can provide evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in injury or damage.

The city experiences intense and unusual weather conditions at times, including hail, tornadoes, snow and ice, floods and chinook winds. We cannot control these conditions and therefore cannot held liable for any damages resulting from intense weather conditions.

We do not provide compensation for your losses unless you can provide evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in injury or damage.

For all other claims, please complete and submit your Notice of Claim to the City if you have experienced a loss and feel it was a result of the City’s negligence. We do not provide compensation for your losses unless you can provide evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in injury or damage.

Frequently asked questions

View our responses to frequently asked questions around claims, such as:

  • Your insurance coverage is generally more extensive that what you may recover from the City through a liability claim.
  • Often your insurance company will pay for your loss up front, regardless of who is responsible for your damage.
  • Liability claims take time, as an investigation must be conducted by our claims analyst and/or insurance company to determine if the City was negligent.
  • Payment from the City is not guaranteed.
  • If the City is found to be negligent, the amount you would receive in compensation is limited to its current value, not its replacement value.
  • Under the Direct Compensation for Property Damage policy, your own insurance company pays for repairs to your vehicle when you are not at-fault for a collision. You must contact your own insurance company for your repairs.

Generally, City crews will not attend private property to conduct repairs. Any repairs on private property are the responsibility of the property owner. We do not provide or make recommendations on contractors.

In most instances, during a claim investigation we will ask you to submit photos, estimates or proof of repair for your damage. We do not view the damage in-person, however there are instances where an adjuster may need to view your property or obtain a statement from you. In these cases, we arrange an appointment at your convenience.

We do not provide legal advice or guidance to any person making a claim. It is your decision whether or not to hire a lawyer.


If you have any questions regarding Notices of Claims, please contact us by email at or by phone at 3-1-1 or 403-320-3111 outside city limits.


The information provided on this website should not be received as insurance or legal advice. If you have a legal question, you must speak to a lawyer. We suggest, in all cases of damage, that you also contact your insurance company or broker.

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