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Community Social Development (CSD)

The City of Lethbridge’s Community Social Development (CSD) department works collaboratively with a dedicated network of social service providers, the community and all levels of government to address social problems in our city. We envision a city in which all individuals, families and communities have opportunities for healthy development leading to social wellbeing.

Unlike many municipalities, we do not deliver our own social programs or manage affordable housing. Instead, we act as a backbone to coordinate programs for the social service community. Learn more about Community Social Development (CSD)’s role in coordinating and facilitating social services in our community.

2024 Funding Process - Now Open

The City of Lethbridge’s 2024 funding distribution process is now open. Eligible applicants can apply for funding through a Call for Proposal. Please read the Proposal Guide in detail before completing the online application form.

Lethbridge is changing, and our strategies must evolve to meet these new challenges and community needs. An update of the Community Needs Assessment and the Community Wellbeing and Safety Strategy (CWSS) has been completed and will be used as a guiding document. The CWSS outlines community needs, gaps in services, priority populations, and other strategic actions.

The City of Lethbridge will use the CWSS to inform the funding disbursements from Federal, Reaching Home (RH) and Provincial, Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) funding sources.  Current RH and FCSS distributions were completed under the CWSS Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSQ). The RFSQ four-year funding timeline comes to an end December 31, 2024. The City of Lethbridge’s next funding distribution process will be via a Call for Proposal. You can apply now by completing the Community Wellbeing Call for Proposal 2024 online form below.

Call for Proposal closes on July 31, 2024 at 4pm. 

Form loading...

The City gathered questions from potential applicants about the Call for Proposal via the in-person and virtual information sessions. In order to ensure all potential applicants are provided with the same information, we are sharing these questions and the answers below. 

Q: Is it possible to submit Letters of Support from other organizations in support of the proposed project as part of the application?

A: The CFP application does not allow for supplemental documents to be attached to the application. However, if an applicant desires to mention organizational support through a narrative in one of the fields, they are welcome to do so.

Q: If my organization is registered in Lethbridge and serves people from Lethbridge but operates outside of Lethbridge, is it eligible for FCSS or RH funding?

A: All funding within the Call for Proposals is intended to serve residents of Lethbridge only. Programming activities may occur outside of the city limits on occasion, provided the participants are residents of Lethbridge.

Q: We understand that the Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA) system has been established and we were able to access it through the proposal guide, however, we are wondering how this resource is currently being distributed or shared with the community and its partners?

A: The primary platform for accessing and distributing resources is done through the Lethbridge ICA website, It offers comprehensive guidelines and updates. Regular training sessions are held to educate stakeholders on system navigation, referral pathways and best practices. A training calendar can also be found on the ICA webpage. Community outreach occurs regularly which includes distributing materials and engaging with service providers and agencies through ongoing collaborative efforts.

2024 Community Wellbeing Advisory Board Applications - closed

The Community Wellbeing Advisory Board (CWAB) supports the Community Social Development (CSD) department by promoting community wellbeing in alignment with the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and the Community Wellbeing and Safety Strategy (CWSS).

The CWAB acts as both the Community Advisory Board (CAB), providing recommendations on funding allocations according to the Federal Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy (RH), and an Advisory Board aligned with Provincial Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), offering further funding allocation guidance. Additionally, the CWAB provides advice on matters related to community wellbeing.  

For more information about the CWAB, including terms of reference which includes purpose, membership composition, and roles and responsibilities, click here.

Virtual information session for interested applicants. 

July 22- 25 - Potential CWAB Member Interviews 

Thirty minute interviews during regular daytime working hours. 


July 25 - Successful membership confirmation

Successful CWAB applicants notified of their membership.

August 1 – 15 - CWAB Onboarding 

Overview of relevant documents, policies, strategies, etc. Two-hour orientation meeting. 


August 15 – September 13 

CFP Evaluation Panel 

Preparation time for the meetings (2-3 hours) 

3-4 three-hour meetings (in-person or virtual) 

September 20 - CWAB meeting 

CWAB approval of CFP proposed funding allocation. 


Social Service Funding Sources

  • Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) – FCSS is an 80/20 funding partnership between the Government of Alberta and the City of Lethbridge to ensure that preventive and early intervention social services can be accessed by citizens in need
  • Reaching Home (RH) – RH is the Government of Canada's Homelessness Strategy’s community-based program aimed at preventing and reducing homelessness
  • City funding – each year the City allocates funding through Community Based Grants and service fees to support initiatives through local social service agencies

View a breakdown of our social funding to learn more about how local programs are funded.


While every individual's situation and circumstances are unique, there are many factors that have led to an increase in homeless encampments across the city, including:

  • A lack of affordable and stable housing
  • Drug addictions and the ongoing opioid crisis
  • Lack of connection to services and resources
  • Mental health conditions
  • Personal health and safety concerns

Encampment Strategy 

Working in partnership with Lethbridge Police Service, City administration has several goals including:

  • Supporting the most vulnerable by connecting them to housing and social supports
  • Ensuring parks and open spaces are safe and enjoyable for everyone
  • Preventing entrenchment to minimize health and safety concerns
  • Informing residents of how to report encampments
  • Keeping the community informed on encampment responses

The encampment response process is managed by the City of Lethbridge cross corporately in partnership with the Lethbridge Police Service. Further, it is coordinated with key community partners including but not limited to Lethbridge Housing Authority, Blood Tribe Department of Health, and the Downtown Business Revitalization Zone/Clean Sweep Program.

The Encampment Response Process Flow Chart represents the process flow from reporting, to triage, response, monitoring, reporting, and continuous improvement. The process will remain the same despite the number of resources. What will be impacted or vary is the Level of Service (LOS) of the response.

There are several ways you can support our encampment response and help connect individuals to the services they need.

Get help

The following contacts provide outreach services:

  • Call 2-1-1 for 24/7 Crisis Diversion – non-emergency support for referrals to community resources including shelter and mental health
  • Call 825-399-SAFE for the Safe Community Call Centre (SCCC) – report biohazards, needle debris, public intoxication, encampments and street behaviours
  • Call 403-332-0722 for the Needle Pickup Hotline
  • Call 403-892-3707 for the Diversion Outreach Team – provides transportation and access to community supports for vulnerable individuals

Report a Public Safety Issue

The Report a Public Safety Issue form can be used to report biohazards, debris - evidence of sleeping rough, encampments and needle debris. The form will go to our 311 call centre where it will be distributed to the appropriate group and actioned accordingly. 

Municipal Housing

The Housing Solutions Coordinator in the Community Social Development department supports the development of housing and supports within the community. This is done through community consultation, strategy development and management, key partnerships, research, data gathering, grant allocation, and systemic work to decrease barriers to housing development to promote availability of all types of housing. Work by the City of Lethbridge, related to Housing, is guided by the Municipal Housing Strategy.

Learn about the development of the Municipal Housing Strategy and what it identifies as needs for the City’s housing continuum.

Learn about the Affordable and Social Housing Capital Grant, which is intended to strategically contribute capital funding to the development of affordable and social housing options for all residents.

The City has applied to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation's (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund. The Housing Accelerator Fund requires that municipalities adopt initiatives that increase housing supply and promote the development of affordable, inclusive, and diverse communities. In support of the application, a Housing Growth Forecast for 2023-2026 was completed, which paints a picture of the housing market in Lethbridge over the next 3 years.

Social service programs and services

We partner with local social service agencies that provide a variety of funded programs and services to our community. Find information on the programs and services they provide.


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lethbridge and District (BBBS) provides a variety of mentoring programs reflecting the diverse needs of children, youth, and volunteers in the community. Children may seek a positive role model in their life due to low self-esteem, loneliness, inability to make a friend or simply needing an extra person in their support network.

The Blood Tribe’s Blackfoot Resource Hub (BRH) supports housing service providers, the Blackfoot community and other Indigenous peoples to ensure that culturally appropriate programming is available and accessible throughout the City of Lethbridge. The BRH provides cultural competency training for service providers and serves as a centralized access point for Blackfoot resources. Through the Blackfoot Resource Hub, individuals in the community and service providers can connect to traditional Blackfoot knowledge, protocols and Elders. This can help them integrate Indigenous ways of knowing into service delivery and daily practices.

The Boys and Girls Club of Lethbridge (BGCL) Youth Centre provides programming for youth that is free of charge and designed to build the potential of each youth. BGCL Youth Centre reduces barriers to services by offering a shuttle to west and south Lethbridge to transport youth to programs. BGCL offers flexible drop-in programs, urban skills programming, structured after-school programming and summer programs. Programs are based on youth needs and interests and are provided in an environment that is positive and healthy. 

Through research and education, Building Brains Together (BBT) builds adult capabilities to improve brain development and executive functions in children. The program operates under three primary goals:

  • To enhance executive function (EF) in children
  • To provide workshops and other professional development opportunities around brain development to community organizations that serve families and children
  • To share information with caregivers and educators

The Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta South Region (CMHA, ASR) is the lead agency for the implementation and continuous improvement of the Lethbridge Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA) system. CMHA, ASR works with the City, its funded service providers and other community partners to tie together thousands of independent programs, organizations, and services into a coordinated system.  

CMHA, ASR offers a variety of supportive services and programs, including:

The Clean Sweep Program (CSP) is funded by the City of Lethbridge and managed and operated by the Downtown Lethbridge Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ). The program seeks to positively contribute to a clean, safe, and vibrant urban core, with specific attention to the Downtown District. Core services include garbage cleanup, sweeping sidewalks, shoveling snow, basic landscaping, and other related needs. In addition to keeping the urban core clean, the CSP is dedicated to offering individuals, many of whom are experiencing homelessness, the opportunity to engage in barrier-free, entry-level employment related activities such as those conducted within Downtown Lethbridge. The CSP works with other organizations as part of the Community Wellbeing and Safety Strategy (CWSS) to bring an end to homelessness in Lethbridge.

The Family Centre Society of Southern Alberta is a non-profit organization providing a range of services to children, youth and families in southwestern Alberta. Family Centre empowers children and families through programs, resources and connections.

Programs and services include:

  • Information and referrals
  • Early childhood play programming and developmental screening
  • Parent education and one on one support
  • Family support services including subsidized counselling, groups, All My Relations Indigenous parenting and youth programming, and the Interfaith Chinook Country Kitchen programs

Programs and services are offered at three locations: Downtown at Melcor Centre, located at 200 4 Ave. S., the north branch at Interfaith Food Bank, located at 1103 3 Ave. N. and the west branch at the Coalbanks Elementary School, located at 230 Coalbanks Blvd. W.

Operating since 1994, Habitat for Humanity Lethbridge’s mission is to provide decent, affordable housing for lower income Lethbridge families from any ethnic, social, or religious background. The organization selects and builds one home per year for a family that would not qualify for a conventional mortgage and supports them in achieving home ownership, thereby stabilizing the family’s housing while supporting the local economy by contracting and purchasing from local vendors.


The Holy Spirit Catholic School Division operates the Family First Facilitator (FFF) program in district schools. This program takes a preventive and early intervention approach to enable children, youth and families to acquire the skills and knowledge to address challenges and increase their capacity to care for themselves and others. The FFF program also works with families outside of the classroom through home visits to provide parent education, system navigation support and connection to the Lethbridge Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA) system for families with greater needs.

The Interfaith Food Bank Society of Lethbridge (Interfaith) has been providing Emergency Food Services to the Lethbridge community and surrounding area for over 30 years. As a charitable, non-profit organization, Interfaith is eligible for project specific grants but does not have access to long-term sustainable funding options and are not funded through government departments or programs. Interfaith programming and services rely heavily on community support in the way of donations and fundraising. Interfaith works in partnership with many other community organizations and food banks to offer community members the best options for their unique circumstances. Being a point of connection for those in need in the community, Interfaith connects those they serve with resources that help to address the underlying issues leading to food insecurity, as well as offer program space for agencies to provide outreach services on site. Lethbridge Food Bank and Interfaith Food Bank work in tandem on multiple initiatives and projects, notably: Christmas Hope, Ready Set Go, Target Hunger, City Wide Water Drive, Food Share Programs, and many other initiatives that address food insecurity in our community.


The Lethbridge Economic Assistance Fund (LEAF) program is designed to assist individuals with the opportunity to stabilize their finances while maintaining affordable housing or to prevent eviction from an existing home. This program is intended to fill recognized housing affordability gaps in our community. The LEAF program does this by providing a monthly rental subsidy or a one-time issue to cover the costs associated with move-ins or continued tenancy.



The Lethbridge Food Bank Society has been providing Emergency Food Services to the Lethbridge community and surrounding area for over 30 years. As a charitable non-profit organization, Lethbridge Food Bank rely heavily on support from the community and financial grants and are not funded through government departments or programs. Lethbridge Food Bank works in partnership with other local agencies and food banks to bring consistency and dependability to the community regarding access to food for those who do not have adequate financial resources. Through a partnership with Interfaith Food Bank, food hampers and services have been standardized to allow clients to have versatility in how and where they receive their food support. Lethbridge Food Bank and Interfaith Food Bank work in tandem on multiple initiatives and projects, notably: Christmas Hope, Ready Set Go, Target Hunger, City Wide Water Drive, Food Share Programs, and many other initiatives that address food insecurity in our community. By working in concert with each other, both food banks gain the ability to receive larger donations shared between the agencies and reduce overlap in services.


The Lethbridge School Division’s Family Support Program takes a preventive and early intervention approach to enable children, youth, and families to gain the skills and knowledge to address challenges and increase their capacity to care for themselves and others. It provides in-school programs and services to support children and division staff and also builds rapport with identified families in need of assistance to help them access resources and services in the community.

The Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO) offers a variety of programs and services that support seniors and caregivers of seniors in the community. Programming is focused on supporting engagement in the community, socialization and participation in LSCO organized activities, classes and events.

They also offer an In-Home Supports program, which include Meals on Wheels, subsidized lawn and snow removal and subsidized homemaking services.

The LSCO works closely with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Adaptive Case Management (ACM) team to support case management, service delivery and senior-specific system navigation and referrals.

The Lethbridge Soup Kitchen Association (2013) has been providing hot, nutritious meals to those in need in Lethbridge for over 35 years. The Lethbridge Soup Kitchen has a mission to assist in alleviating poverty through the operation of the Lethbridge Soup Kitchen and creating public awareness of the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness and/or have limited access to adequate financial resources. Through ongoing support from the community and a strong volunteer base, the Lethbridge Soup Kitchen operates 365 days/year and delivers hot meals three times each day at no cost to those who attend.


The More For Less Thrift Stores Ltd. (MFL) is a social enterprise Company with an environmental focus to divert waste but also acts as a training site to provide meaningful work to individuals with developmental disabilities, namely through initiatives of Peak Vocational and Support Services.


The Nord-Bridge Senior Citizens Association provides educational, social and support services that aim to foster a vibrant seniors' community that is healthy, physically fit, and socially active, including:

  • Tax and benefits assistance
  • Transportation services
  • Volunteering opportunities for seniors in the community

The Opokaa'sin Early Intervention Society works alongside other service providers as Population Support Navigators for Indigenous caregivers, children and youth in our community. The Population Support Navigators through Opokaa'sin develop and provide Indigenous cultural competency training to other community organizations. They are also responsible for informing service providers of community trends, best practices relevant to the population and working closely with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Adaptive Case Management (ACM) team to support case management for Indigenous families.

The Streets Alive Family Support Association manages a variety of donations and outreach in our community.

They offer trusteeship services that focus on assisting individuals with financial management and planning support to help them prevent or exit homelessness.

Repurpose Centre

The Streets Alive Repurpose Donation Centre supports the Lethbridge Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA) system of providers, such as the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Consortium and the CMHA HomeBASE Adaptive Case Management (ACM) team to support individuals in finding and maintaining housing stability through the distribution of free household goods and furniture to those in need. Streets Alive also provides access to bed bug covers and treatment.

Volunteer Lethbridge is a professional organization that connects volunteers, non-profit organizations, community members and supporters (businesses, funders, and government) to opportunities that positively impact community well-being. Volunteer Lethbridge offers members of the community a way to match their skills, abilities, and resources where they are needed most.

Wood's Homes provides treatment and support to children, youth and families with mental health needs. They also develop and provide youth competency training for community organizations in an effort to ensure that youth-specific needs are being appropriately met in the community.

Fee assistance program

We offer fee assistance so that everyone in our community has equal access to our recreation programs and arts and cultural programs.

Grants and supports

View the grant and support programs available to provide financial support for residents and local businesses.

Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA)

The Lethbridge Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA) is a network that helps connect people to the services they need as quickly as possible to meet their needs and support their overall wellbeing. This is done through collaborative referrals, assessments and network navigation support.

Community Social Development (CSD) reports and studies

View our community social development reports and studies that we developed to establish safe, inclusive community spaces where residents can access the social services and resources they need.

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