Earth Day
Earth Day is on the horizon! The City of Lethbridge is gearing up to celebrate and advocate for the environment. Please join us for a day of education and action Saturday, April 26 at Legacy Park with a range of activities planned for all ages.
Learn about:
- Adopt-A-Park. Commit to helping take care of your favourite park, playground, shrub bed or green strip by adopting it for the year. Meet volunteers and learn how you can make a positive impact in our community.
- Climate adaptation strategies. The Waste & Environment team will offer insights and tips on how you can help build resilience within our community.
- Storm drains and the Yellow Fish Road program. Learn about the critical role storm drains play in preventing flooding and protecting water quality.
- Green cart and food scraps. Learn about the benefits of using green carts for organic waste collection.
- Trees. Learn about the significance of preserving urban forests and caring for your trees in drought conditions.
Participate in:
- A community litter cleanup. Help us cleanup Legacy Park! All supplies will be provided.
- Free compost and mulch, encouraging sustainable gardening practices. While supplies last, please bring your own bins.
- Please consider active/sustainable transport to the event. Options include walking, cycling, transit or carpooling.
Mark your calendars for April 26 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Join us as we celebrate our planet and take meaningful action to protect it for generations to come.

Contact Us
City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6
Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)