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What's new for 2023: Operating Budget

In November 2022, City Council approved the next 4-year operating budget. Here’s some of the important investments being made in our community.

Public Safety

Funding for Lethbridge Police Service will support the addition of 22 police officers (including seven for youth engagement) and other programs and services that support police officers. Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services will also add an additional 13 fire personnel.



We’ve heard from our residents how much they value our parks. The outdoor space we enjoy is one of the gems of our city. To meet the community expectation, additional funding has been allocated to better support the maintenance and growth of our City parks and green spaces.



The City partners with a host of organizations who provide valuable programs and services to residents. The new budget includes additional financial support for various arts, culture, environment and sport organizations who together, help enrich the quality of life in Lethbridge.


Your tax money supports more than City operations

 Did you know your property tax is used for more than just running the City of Lethbridge? A portion is also used to fund provincial education and the Green Acres Foundation. The Image above breaks down how each tax dollar is divided up.

Budgeted Tax Increases (%)

The City maintained a zero per cent increase in municipal taxes during the last three years (2020, 2021 and 2022). Looking at the overall change from 2019 to 2026, the average increase is less than 2.8 per cent per year during that eight-year span.

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