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Public Hearings

  • Bylaw 6423 - The Specialist Offices Plan

    The purpose of this amendment is to remove the parcel at 1624 9 Avenue South from the Specialist Offices Plan to facilitate an additional use for the property.


  • Bylaw 6413 - 2402 2 Ave N

    The applicant would like to allow for a craft instruction and production business as well as a craft market (Retail Store) on the Parcel.

    The applicant also seeks to allow for business industrial-type uses, such as offices and household repair services, in addition to the general industrial uses that are currently allowed on the Parcel.


  • Bylaw 6424 - 1624 9 Ave S

    The proposed rezoning would facilitate a potential change of use of the existing building to Medical and Health Office (Outpatient) to allow for a counselling office.

  • CEIP Lethbridge Now Open 2
    Clean Energy Program applications now open again

    Applications are now open once again for the City of Lethbridge's Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP), which will provide homeowners with a financial tool to support energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to their properties.

  • Public Hearing - Bylaw 6417 - 2802 5 Ave N

    The parcel would be rezoned to exclude the landscaping requirements, the site plan, and the landscaping plan found in Bylaw 6177. Bylaw 6417 carries forward the currently allowed Uses and most of the development requirements.

  • Bylaw 6411 - 416 Stafford Drive North

    The proposed rezoning would allow for the development of a supportive housing facility with 30 units as well as a medical office and pharmacy, and for delegation of development approval authority to the Development Authority.

  • Bylaw 6407 - Amendment to Bylaw 6296 Clean Energy Improvement Tax Bylaw

    This Bylaw amends bylaw 6296 the Clean Energy Improvement Tax Bylaw to remove annual caps on funding the program, allowing more property owners to have access to funding sooner. It does not change the overall program spending limit.

  • Bylaw 6404 - 4-569 41 St. N, 2-569 41 St. N, 1-569 41 St. N, 4-565 41 St. N, 2-565 41 St. N, 1-565 41 St. N, 561 41 St. N, 529 41 St. N, 537 41 St. N & 543 41 St. N

    Rezoning the site to I-B and I-G will retain many of the same uses that are allowed under the existing DC bylaw while still allowing the proposed development, as well as the subdivision and consolidation of parcels to occur.


  • Public Notice - Public Hearing - Land Use Amendment - Bylaw 6405 - 1304 6 Avenue S

    The proposed rezoning will continue to allow for the uses under the existing DC Bylaw and introduce the following new uses: restaurants, retail store, and mixed use dwelling. Bylaw 6405 will continue to include measures to preserve the existing building.

  • Bylaw 6403 - 1730 10 Avenue S

    This amendment will allow the continued use of Assisted Living Residential Care Facilities and Supportive Living Residential Care Facilities without the age restrictions that exist today that allow only seniors to be housed at this location.


Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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