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  • Mayor’s statement on 2024 Federal Budget

    It will take some time to review the entire scope of the 2024 Federal Budget, including discussions with our City Treasurer, to see the full impacts.

  • PSCC Public Service Answering Point In Lethbridge 911
    National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week celebrates the behind-the-scenes heroes of emergency services

    This week marks the annual National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, a time dedicated to recognizing the invaluable contributions of Emergency Communications Officers across the country. These professionals, often the first point of contact in critical situations, play a pivotal role in the safety and well-being of our community.

  • Foodie Fest food trucks lined up downtown
    Second intake underway for Re-Imagine Downtown Activation Grant

    More money is up for grabs in the second intake of the Re-Imagine Downtown Activation Grant.

    The Grant emerged from the Heart of Our City Committee (HOCC) in 2021. It supports initiatives, events and programs that energize dormant private and public spaces.

  • Temple Blvd map April 16
    Planned power outage – April 16

    On Tuesday, April 16 the City of Lethbridge will be completing a planned power outage. Two apartment buildings on Temple Boulevard West will be impacted. The outage is expected to be in effect between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Approximately 71 customers will be affected at 65 and 75 Temple Boulevard.

  • Prairie Arbour Park stream repairs

    The stream feature at Prarie Arbour Park will soon be flowing again. It has been inactive for the past two summers due to damage to its rubber lining.

  • 4 Ave N April 15 outage map
    Planned power outage – April 15

    On Monday, April 15, the City of Lethbridge will be completing a planned power outage along 12 Street A North and 12 Street B North, between 3 Avenue North and 6 Avenue North. The outage is expected to be in effect between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and affect approximately 74 properties.

  • Foodie Fest food trucks lined up downtown
    Expanding food truck access in Lethbridge parks

    Lethbridge’s latest culinary adventure is ready to roll!

    Food trucks and mobile vending machines can now operate, without requiring specific permission, in three City of Lethbridge parks:

  • Oldman river Bridge Spring Melt
    Water Conservation Plan and Strategy presented to Economic and Finance SPC

    Changes in climate and weather in southern Alberta are causing worries about water scarcity and ongoing drought. The City is working to proactively address these concerns with the development of the Water Conservation Plan and Strategy (WCPAS). The WCPAS was presented at the April 11 Economic and Finance Standing Policy Committee meeting.

  • Agri Food Hub being landscaped
    City Council gets April update from Exhibition

    Members of City Council received the first of monthly reports from Lethbridge & District Exhibition (LDE) today which highlighted the success of the recent Ag Expo and looked ahead to the summer Farmers’ Markets and Whoop-Up Days celebration. The report was presented at the Economic Standing Policy Committee (SPC), providing a transparent overview of the organization’s finances and operations.

  • Doggy Doo Doo Crew title
    Doggy Doo Doo Crew

    In preparation for our Dog Waste Awareness Month in June, the City of Lethbridge will be holding five dog park cleanups.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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