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  • Ice safety reminders after water rescue

    Residents are being reminded about the dangers of open water in colder weather. Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services (LFES) responded to a water rescue incident aerlier today. At approximately 8:30 a.m. crews from two stations were dispatched to the Oldman River near the Highway 3 bridge. They arrived to find an individual stranded on ice in the middle of the river.

    Thanks to the crews’ swift actions, the individual was rescued without injury. 

    This incident serves as an important reminder of the dangers of venturing on partially frozen water bodies. 

  • Remounted ambulances drive sustainability at Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services

    Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services (LFES) has found a practical way to keep its ambulance fleet running smoothly. By remounting ambulance boxes onto new chassis, the department has saved money, reduced waste and added reliable vehicles to its fleet in a quicker fashion. 

    LFES has completed its first two remounts and plans to remount five more ambulances by the end of 2026.

  • Single lane closure on Whoop-Up Drive tomorrow morning

    Southbound Whoop-Up Drive traffic will be impacted by a single lane closure between University Drive West and Columbia Boulevard West. The closure will occur on the outside lane from approximately 9 am and 12 pm tomorrow, December 5, 2024.

  • Accepting public submissions for the 2024 Winter Count

    Another winter solstice is on the horizon. December 21 marks the start of winter and the day in the year with the fewest hours of daylight. It will be celebrated at the Blackfoot Winter Solstice and residents are invited to submit significant events for the 2024 Lethbridge Winter Count.

  • Downtown parking kiosk winter 2024
    Updated video designed to help users with parking, plus incentive days announced for December Downtown

    As the holiday season is upon us and more people head to Downtown Lethbridge to do their holiday shopping, we have created an updated video to help customers understand all matters related to parking and make their experience in the Downtown a more positive one. In addition, as a collaboration with the Downtown Business Revitalization Zone and the Heart of Our City Committee (HOCC) – the City is offering free Downtown parking days on December 4, December 11 and December 18. These days are to encourage customers to visit the Downtown and promote the businesses.

  • Emergency sewer repair impacting 6 Avenue South

    An emergency sewer repair is impacting a two-block stretch of 6 Avenue South.

  • Fire crews respond to northside vehicle fire

    Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services (LFES) responded to a vehicle fire in the 1200 block of 8 Street North on Sunday, December 1, at approximately 10 p.m.

    Crews from two fire stations arrived to find the vehicle fully engulfed in flames. Firefighters quickly brought the blaze under control. No injuries were reported. 

  • Fire crews respond to early morning residential fire

    Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services responded to a residential structure fire at the 1800 block of 18 Avenue North on Friday, November 29, at approximately 4:30 a.m. 

    The family in the home was alerted to the presence of smoke and immediately called 9-1-1 before evacuating safely. 

  • Catching Up With Council - Councillor Ryan Parker

    Preparations are already underway for the next municipal election, scheduled for October 20, 2025. We invited all current Council members to share their thoughts on the first three years of this term. 

    Next up in this series is Councillor Ryan Parker, who was first elected to Council in 1998 and successfully won a seat on Council in each subsequent election since then. 

  • City’s new tool for managing waterfowl challenges takes flight

    To address the increasing challenges posed by resident waterfowl populations, the City of Lethbridge is incorporating an innovative approach with the introduction of a ‘Goosinator’ unit.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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