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Arenas and Skating

Book ice time at one of Lethbridge's Arenas.


City of Lethbridge Ice Arenas & Centres are available for private one-time, event or ongoing seasonal bookings throughout the year.  For booking requirements, hours, pricing and more, select the button below.

Explore Lethbridge's public skating & shinny schedules.


City of Lethbridge Ice Arenas & Centres provide public programming throughout the year as available. A variety of public programs are available by paid admissions at the arena, with occasional free or sponsored public skates.

Lake ice and outdoor skating

Ice conditions are accurate as of:




Nicholas Sheran Lake


Meets City of Lethbridge standards for public skating.

Henderson Lake


Does NOT meet City of Lethbridge standards for public skating.

Open water with waterfowl.

Legacy Pond

(Northwest Pond)


Meets City of Lethbridge standards for public skating.

Legacy Pond

(East Pond)


Does NOT meet City of Lethbridge standards for public skating. Open water under dock

Lethbridge has four designated skating areas. The ice conditions are checked at least once a week. Ice surfaces will be closed if conditions are unsafe for users. Ice measurements will not be taken if there is open water anywhere on the pond or lake. City of Lethbridge Parks Operations does not monitor ice thickness in any other bodies of water within city limits.

Be safe

Your safety is our concern, but your responsibility. The strength and stability of ice can change depending on temperature, precipitation, wind and sunshine.

Unique weather variables such as Chinook winds that can bring above freezing air temperature can cause ice to lose strength and stability. These warmer temperatures can affect the melting rate for ice along the shore and near bridges which can lead to open water.

Please keep off closed ice surfaces and all storm ponds. Although the storm pond may look frozen, the ice maybe not be safe. Water levels can fluctuate, causing air pockets under the ice.

Information on Skating & Shinny Admissions & Passes

Admission Rates & Passes

Explore ice skating programming by date.

Public Skating by Date

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Public Skating by Program

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Public Skating by Arena

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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